Fitbit Made Walking an Addictive Mobile Game

Monica K
4 min readJun 3, 2021


Walking…can be boring sometimes

When you’re first starting out, walking can feel like an eternity, mostly due to the idea that it can be hard to make that time enjoyable. I personally tried suggestions given to me by friends…such as listening to podcasts or simply asking a buddy to come along. These methods would work for the day and keep me entertained temporarily, but once that epic podcast ended or my buddy was gone for the day, so was my motivation. Nobody was more surprised than me to find that after I had gotten a Fitbit, I would be spending at least an hour every day, walking nearly 10,000 steps a day — more than I have ever done in my life!

It turns out that a lot of the features included with Fitbit are very similar to what makes video games so fun. This post will set you up to get excited about walking by turning it into that fun little mobile game on your phone. Allowing you to move forward and enjoy all of the benefits this exercise has to offer.

How Does Fitbit Help?

It Gives You Consistent Rewards

Similar to gaining achievements on your PS4, Xbox, Google Play, or even your mom’s candy crush game — you can earn badges and trophies! Milestones such as taking your 50 000th step, or winning that competition your coworker Steve smugly challenged you on…nothing is as satisfying as marking your accomplishments for others to see. I mean who wouldn’t want to brag once in a while.

There Is a Concept of Cheering AND Trash Talking

Just like any sport or video game, there is always that one guy or gal that will taunt you to work a little harder (people like Steve amiright). Humans just hate to lose and will work harder to win under the right circumstances.

Send someone a cheer or a taunt by simply going to their profile page and they will get the notification right away on their phone or Fitbit. On top of that, Fitbit itself will taunt you when you’re falling behind! Messages during challenges such as “Sarah has soared past you” will be sure to get you to jump up and start walking right away to snatch that tantalizing trophy right back.

The Challenges Are Actually Fun

I actually look forward to many of the different challenges available on the app. Purchasing my Inspire 2 provided access to a 1 year free trial of Fitbit premium to try them all out! Here are some of my favorites:

  • Workweek Hustle (free): compete with your friends between Monday-Friday and receive a trophy for the most amount of steps!
  • Weekend Warrior (free): just like workweek hustle but made for Saturday and Sunday only
  • Get Fit Bingo (premium): play a game of bingo with your friends, flip a tile when you’ve completed the action for that tile
  • Adventure Race (free): Take a virtual hike with your friends, viewing “sights” at certain step goals. Whoever reaches the finish line, wins!
  • and many more to explore!

These challenges are a great way to keep you entertained and moving during the week — even if it’s just taking a few more steps around the house.

Join Communities

There are forums and facebook-like groups you can join in the app to find like-minded walkers. Nothing like a supportive community to keep you on your toes.

You Can Even Compete With Yourself

Can’t quite convince your friends to join in just yet? There are many challenges geared towards pushing yourself as well, single-player game style. Check out the Solo Adventure challenges to virtually explore real-life locations and get to the finish line.

Additionally the app tracks your progress with your resting heart rate, the food you’ve eaten, weekly exercise goals, and more. These stats will show you how far you’ve come, and allow you to work on beating your previous records. Nothing like seeing concrete evidence of your progress to keep you going.

In Conclusion

It all starts with starting. It’s great to think about the future version of you, but that idea alone makes it seem so far away. It does not tell you what to do to get there. You don’t have to ask yourself to climb a mountain today and every day henceforth. Instead, slowly decide on something that is doable for you today and build it up over time to a point where you’re consistent. Make the journey fun, and even attempting to do a little, will do a lot!

I hope that this post has helped you to feel motivated to start walking and to help you gamify your workout!

